The Neomysis (length 12 m.) operates in a 30 mile zone around Roscoff (from Abers to the Bay of Lannion). Missions beyond this zone can, under certain conditions, be programmed. The Neomysis can hold up to 12 passengers.
Equipment and instrumentation available via INSU’s Parc National Océanographique Côtier
Vessels and light crafts
The three stations have EMBRC-France water resources for the realization of campaigns in coastal areas, to :
- supporting research programs in various disciplines;
- perform biological material crops for research or teaching
- support the observation activities of the coastal zone and marine educational disciplines
- test new board equipment or instruments.
Main equipment :
- Three vessels with a length> 10m., armed coastal fishing and operate up to 20 miles offshore. These vessels are built in Very High Research Infrastructure " French Oceanographic Fleet ", but located in the stations that provide programming.
- Seven lighter boats length <10 m. Versatile, sometimes transportable, these units provide access to the very coastal waters (< 5 milles), including very small base (ex. estuaries).
The use of ships is based on day trips or half-day. However, it is possible to organize campaigns for night or several days, up to the arming of the ship.
These vessels, especially small units, can also be used as support for scientific diving activities.
Miscellaneous fishing gear, scientific equipment and instrumentation can be provided on these ships for the realization of campaigns at sea. These equipment fleets are owned or managed by stations in station on behalf of the Coastal Park Océnanographique (relocated park) .
These ships have the scientific fishing authorizations necessary for the realization of sampling campaign at sea.

Neomysis Vessel

Néréis Vessel
The Néréis (length 14M.) operates in the coastal zone from Leucate to Cerbère. The Néréis is approved to hold 12 people (students, supervisors, researchers) for distances of up to five miles offshore and nine people for distances between five and 20 miles offshore, in addition to crew. Depending on the operations to be carried out, the vessel is piloted by three (minimum) or four mariners.
Access managed by UMS French Oceanographic Fleet
Equipment and instrumentation Voir les fiches détaillées

Embarcation Légère / Villefranche-sur-Mer
L'unité légère Pélagia est armée pour embarquer 4 personnes et peut évoluer à 5 milles du port de départ (Villefranche sur mer). Cette embarcation est idéale pour les activités de plongée afin de récolter des organismes et/ou réaliser des expérimentations in situ.
Coque :
Type open Conero polyester
Puissance : CV 75 4 temps
Vitesse maximale : 30 nœuds
Longueur : 6,05 m
Equipement :
GPS Sondeur Garmin GPS map 421S
VHF Navicom

Access to Aurelia
Access to crafts allows harvesting, sampling (hydrology, fishing, etc.), experimentation and data collection in a coastal environment. Likewise usable as a support for diving or as a means of transport at sites accessible at low tide. The zone of operation is five miles from the port of departure. Access to SMO fleet’s on-board equipment usable on its vessels is included. The allocation base includes the time for management/preparation of gear, travel, field feedback, gear maintenance, etc. Not included: mission fees (operation > one day) and “sea” and “diving” indemnities.